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Some Things We Have Been Working On...

Posted on August 11 2020, By: Kat Halliday

Some Things We Have Been Working On...

Salt the Radish have recently put together a number of documents and policies including a Diversity and Inclusion Policy, Recruitment Policy and a Complaints Procedure. It is not the norm for a business as small as ours to have these in place but we feel it important that they are produced to show our commitment to providing an inclusive working environment that promotes diversity within our team. As well as our promise of Salt the Radish being a safe space, free from discrimination, for all staff.
These documents will actively promote equal opportunity for existing and prospective staff as well as awareness, understanding and mutual respect between the workforce. We also recognise that this relationship should be extended to our customers. We have produced a Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct which is a set of guidelines for all staff, at every level of the business, which sets out our responsibility to others on a day to day basis.
We acknowledge that valuing diversity and promoting inclusion are vital to the success of any business and its staff. We recognise that people with different backgrounds, skills, attitudes and experiences bring fresh ideas and insights, and we wish to encourage this in order for staff to meet their full potential.
These documents have been produced at a time where businesses such as ours are actively showing support for the anti-racism movement through protest, donations and collective education and learning. This in turn has made businesses ask important questions of themselves. This period has made us review our values, what’s important to us as a business and what our responsibilities to our staff and local community are. We have produced these documents to make our commitments formal in order to hold ourselves fully accountable for their implementation. We have also decided to make the most pertinent documents available for the public to view. These can be found below:
Throughout the documents we outline ways in which our commitments will be delivered and embedded in all we do going forward. We aim to go beyond the narrow scope of legislative compliance and make equality, fairness and inclusion a fundamental part of all our activities. It is our responsibility to do better, and we are committed to meeting this responsibility.